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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Giving Thanks

Date of occurrence:
November 29, 2013.

We didn't expect the grandchildren to be here for Thanksgiving, but they were. Their mom picked them up Wednesday evening and they all shared Thanksgiving dinner with us and spent the night.

Since they are here, we thought it would be a good idea to set up the Christmas tree. It may be a little early, but it hardly ever occurs that almost everyone is present for this occasion. They had a blast helping to decorate, although some of the decorations didn't live to see another year.

We sang Christmas songs while decorating the tree and enjoyed the leftovers from the day before. Kc even told me he made some magic. Yup, I noticed. He made his soft drink disappear. Since that took the wind out of his sails, he said he could make it come back too.

I told him I didn't want him to make it come back. He looked surprised and asked why not? I pointed out to him; "You drank it and made it disappear and now you want to make it come back????"

He understood and laughed. I know he actually intended to go to the fridge and get another one. Grin.

The day went by way too quick, but.... we had a lot to be thankful for!


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