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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Learning U

Date of occurrence:
October 26, 2013.

Our phone doesn't allow for Facetime. Since our oldest daughter is over for a visit we cease the opportunity and take advantage of this feature to see the grandchildren on her phone.

They are all excited about the upcoming Halloween. They show us their outfits, although it is difficult to tell what it looks like when they are still in the package. Kc says he is going to be a scary Captain Hook. Leo will be a werewolf and Emmaly a fairy princess.

A princess, huh? Who would have thought that??? We kind of figured she would. She always loves to dress up like one. She shows us the make-up that goes along with her outfit.

When I tell her she doesn't need it, because she is already pretty enough without, I am rewarded with a huge grin. Opa asks her how she got so pretty. He gets a cute smile and she answers him: "Because"!

Leo lost his first tooth and shows us the gap in his mouth. He said he pulled it out all by himself. There is no new one coming in yet, but we doubt it will take long before it does.

Kc mentioned they learned their ABCs at school. Especially the letter U had been the center of attention all week long. I point out to him; "You have to learn U and maybe I have to learn I". He laughs and says that is funny.

He got the joke! Grin.


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