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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Look Mom, No Hands!

Date of occurrence:
October 26, 2013.

Last month, we saw Levi on Skype. He had just come out of the tub, was running around, and getting in all kinds of mischief. He sure is an active little critter who truly got a kick out of opening the doors of the cabinet in his room and slamming them shut.

And we got a kick out of watching him. Every time before he slammed the doors, the little rapscallion would look at his mom with a smirk on his face. He sure is testing the waters, or rather the boundaries, to see what he can get away with.

I can imagine his parents have to come up with other ways to redirect all this energy.

You can safely leave that up to mom. She found a great, fun way that suited the purpose: painting.

You simply take a large piece of paper, finger-paint, and one little guy who is not afraid to get down and dirty.

Mom and dad were enriched with some priceless art. Yeah, Levi sure needed a bath after that, because what may have started out with fingers ended up with 'look mom, no hands'!

I was under the impression that it was supposed to be finger paint, but it looks more like body paint to me! Grin.


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