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Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Laughing House

Date of occurrence:
November 16, 2013.

Around 10:00 am the phone rings. Our grand children's Dad is calling. They plan on coming down today and he asks if we want to keep the kids which we do of course. What an unexpected treat!

They arrive close to 4:30 pm and immediately go about their business as if they had never left. The first thing on their agenda is playing outside and making acquaintance with the newest member of the family Flo, our dog. They get along great.

After a little while it is supper-time. The Mac and cheese, followed by the cheesecake pie are gone in no time. It makes me wonder how on earth they are able to stuff all that in those little tummies.

Then it is right back to playing. Since they will spend the night with their mom, we try to make the best of the few hours we have with them.

That is easier said then done.

Emmaly is off doing her own thing.

She is cooking supper for everyone in her play kitchen.

Kc is just happy being able to play games on my computer.

Leo decided to draw and color. He creates a gorgeous house with eyes and a mouth and tells me it is a talking house.

I ask him what the house is saying to which he replied: "Nothing". Nothing? But it is a talking house.

He quickly changes his mind: "Nope, it is a laughing house. See Oma? His mouth is laughing".

Yes, I see, smile, and wish the time their mom will come and pick them up wouldn't be so close.

I am grateful though: our house was laughing out loud today!


Blogger audrey` said...

WOW! Your gradchildren are so big now, Lieve Zus :)

27/7/14 6:08 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

Yes, they are. Time flies, lieve zus. Enjoy it while you can!!! :-)

God's Grace.

28/7/14 6:44 AM  

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