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Friday, June 13, 2014

A Very Good Day

Date of occurrence:
October 5, 2013.

Last week, the grandchildren's dad called us. They were coming down this weekend and wanted to know if we were interested in keeping the kids. Well, of course we are and we would love to have them and arrangements were made.

They arrived early Saturday morning. They didn't need any time to settle in; they were right at home.

A weekend is not very long when there is so much to do and catch up with. Our fridge got decorated, several drawings were made and clay figures were created.

Although it was still rather hot today, they had to go outside and play and we did some metal detecting.

We didn't exactly find the treasure we were hoping for; one rusty, old nail.

Leo was excited to find it and Kc loved metal detecting and did it a little himself. He really was into it.

Opa told them we would go camping some day and he would teach them all about that. Aunt A. came over and played games with them.

She also took them to get a pumpkin. Even though it was still a little early, they carved it for Halloween.

We waited until dark to light it so we could take a picture while they were posing with their creepy creation.

The day was over before we knew it and bedtime arrived way too quickly. As they were getting ready to greet Mr. Sandman, Kc said; 'Oma; today was a very good day'.

I was happy to hear they had fun and I couldn't agree more. Today was a very good day!


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