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Monday, April 13, 2015

A Giant Leap

Date of occurrence:
May 20, 2014.

He did it: Leo successfully passed Kindergarten and even received a diploma to verify that happy event.

I am not so sure he will consider it to be 'happy' once he starts elementary school.

He will have to do as he is told, put his brain in gear and to good use, and stay seated on top of all that.

We can foresee some problems, but we have high hopes he will pleasantly surprise us. He doesn't have to do it for us, but for his own sake.

Passing Kindergarten may seem a trivial achievement to many grown-ups, but just imagine how exciting it is when you are just 6 years old.

Yes, it is a small step for a man, but a giant leap for our Munchkin man!


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