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Friday, April 17, 2015

Me And My Head

Date of occurrence:
May 21, 2014.

Our oldest grandson has been getting Cs for several days for his conduct due to talking in class, distracting others, and not following directions.

The first several days it was due to a girl he likes whom he had been talking to. Today, when we asked him what got him in trouble this time, he said he had been talking out loud.

Opa asked who he was talking to and Kc answered it was him and his head, upon which Opa asked what they were talking about. Kc told us he and his head had been discussing next week's supper (we allow him to pick what's for supper every Thursday), but they never reached a solution.

Upon Opa's question if Kc and his head could stop talking to each other in class, the little man said he thought that might be possible.

Opa told him he sure hoped so, otherwise he would have to separate him and his head!


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