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Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Date of occurrence:
September 6, 2014.

I know from experience how much children love it when adults engage themselves in playing with them and their toys.

Levi is no exception to the rule and Dad has no problem letting out his inner-child. The building blocks probably prompted more then enough inspiration and, looking at the quantity, there is plenty to go around.

It doesn't take long before our block-busters are busting a dent in the number of blocks. Now that I come to think of it, we have quite an amount ourselves and who you gonna call?



Blogger audrey` said...

A Very Happy Birthday to your beloved daughter, April :)

17/6/15 11:44 PM  
Blogger Corry said...


Thanks, lieve zus. We will pass it on. :-)

God's Grace.

18/6/15 4:26 AM  

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