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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Paper Trail

Date of occurrence:
November 29, 2014.

Leo is writing on his notepad and comes in the office on several occasions to show his achievements and to ask how to write someone's name. After doing so for a few times, he stays away quite a while and we hear the boys talking and walking up and down the hallway.

Shortly thereafter, his brother Kc comes in the office and tells me I have to come and see the living room. I look at the grin on his face and ask him if that would be such a good idea. I foresee trouble and I am afraid to take a peek at it.

He assures me it is all good and that Leo had put his sticky notes on all the doors. Uh oh, I am anticipating a huge mess. It is, but it is a cute mess. Sticky notes are hanging on almost all the doors and dangling from the chairs.

I notice several of them in almost every bedroom and as if that is not enough yet, he left crumpled up papers all over the floor; it leads the way from kitchen to living room and all through the hall. At least, we don't have to wonder where to find the little rascal.

He left a paper trail!


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