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Saturday, October 10, 2015

Real Quick

Date of occurrence:
July 27, 2015.

Kc went with aunt A to the hospital around 7:10 am. Mom's C-section was scheduled for 7:30 am. He was in the waiting room with his other grandparents while we stayed home and took care of Leo and Emmaly. Big brother was one of the first to see his little sister.

A little after 8 we got the call that Lily was born. Aunt A. sent us some pictures of our latest granddaughter and we showed them to Leo and Emmaly. They were ecstatic. Kc and Aunt A. left the hospital and returned home around 8:30. When I asked Kc if Lily cried, he said she did and she had a deeper voice than Isabella.

A little later Kc asked me: "Guess what time the baby was born?"
Me: "Around 8 or so."
Kc: "No, at 7:30."
Me: "I don't think so. The surgery was scheduled for that time, so I think she was born around 7:40."
Kc: "No, it was 7:30. It went real quick. They just cut her open."
Yeah, that sounded rather morbid, so I educated him a little about the what and how.

As far at the time of birth goes, we were both wrong.

The exact time was 7:38 am!


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