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Monday, October 5, 2015

An Exciting Day

Date of occurrence:
July 18, 2015.

Aunt Amber has plans taking the kids to Chuck E Cheese today. They all are looking forward to it and the crew leaves early in the afternoon.

A few hours later they get back. They all had a good time and Emmaly shows me all her cards. She has at least six or seven different ones with her picture on it. Leo has one and Kc doesn't have any at all.

Aunt A. told us Emmaly wanted all the cards she could get. Leo was happy with the one card he got and Kc didn't want to waste his tokens on any cards. He would rather use them to play games.

The rest of the day each one of them is out of sorts. They have a hard time listening, won't take no for an answer and have to be separated on several occasions. Kc even ends up having to sleep on the couch.

It is quite obvious; they are all extremely tired. That is understandable.

It was a long and exciting day!


Blogger audrey` said...

A Very Happy Birthday to your beloved granddaughter, Emmaly, Lieve Zus! :)

7/10/15 6:38 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

Thanks so much, lieve zus. We will surely pass it on.

She will be 6 already. Yup, she is quite a little lady. Oh, excuse me: quite a little princess, hehe.

God's Grace.

8/10/15 4:49 AM  

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