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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Loosing Our Marbles

Date of occurrence:
July 19, 2015.

Kc has been complaining about earaches for a while now and finally went to see the doctor this morning. He doesn't have an ear infection, for which we are grateful, but it could be sinus/allergy related and a pain reliever should take care of it. We certainly hope so.

After he gets back, I decide to keep the kids busy with marble games. That is like killing two birds with one stone; we get to spend some quality fun time together and on the other hand it meets several electives in Kc's Bear Scout handbook.

They are all up for that and it immediately shows who has good aiming skills. Leo is pretty good at shooting his marbles in the direction he wants them to go. Emmaly is a stunt master and makes some incredible shots while Kc has trouble even coming close to the target.

We play several different games and even make up some new ones. They are having a good time, but eventually the mood changes and they start pushing each other out of the way. That's an indicator to me that it is time to quit and point their minds into a different direction.

I better do so before we all loose our marbles! Grin.


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