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Monday, August 24, 2015

The Blump

Date of occurrence:
April 23, 2015.

It is Kc's bedtime and just before I leave the room, he mentioned he saw a blump today.

My eyebrows raised and my brain was desperately searching its dictionary in order to recognize the word 'blump'.

It was in vain and I drew a blank.

I needed more information and asked him what a 'blump' was. He described it as that 'silvery thing' that was high up in the air.

It suddenly dawned on me. Ahhh, he meant a zeppelin, also referred to as a blimp. Yup, that was it.

The teacher noticed it in the sky and ushered all the kids outside to get a good look at it.

It had made quite an impression on our little man, although I suspect he had his head-in-the-clouds at the time.

How else could he have seen a 'blump'?!


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