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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Sand, Sunburn, And School Sorrows

Date of occurrence:
July 11, 2015.

Aunt A. took the kids to the beach today and in spite of all her care and efforts applying tons of sunscreen, little Miss Emmaly ended up with her back and shoulders being as red as a lobster.

Yeah, our little red-headed granddaughter should have worn a shirt, because even the best sunscreen lotion won't prevent sunburn in her case.

She is pretty good about it though and only complains once about her back hurting. I ensure she is covered in a thick layer of Aloe and it seems to be helping.

The boys are fine, but covered in sand. Leo says he doesn't like the sand in his britches. Kc apparently doesn't either; he mentions he is going to take a shower and puts his money where his mouth is.

After they are all cleaned up it is supper-time and Emmaly is telling me all about school.

She tells me how some girls made a prank call to the principal and blamed her for it.

Evidence showed however who really were the pranksters and we are grateful to hear that our little princess was in the clear.

She also tells us a girl at school is bullying her. She already told her parents and it doesn't seem to bother her that much. She not only has her wits about her, but is graced with thick skin as well. That may come in handy.

Hopefully it will help with her sunburn too!


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