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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Baby Ten

Date of occurrence:
June 28, 2015.

Emmaly is happy to see her baby doll and as I am getting her ready for bed, she asks me if I remember baby's name.

Me: "Yes, I do. Her name is Baby, isn't it?"
Emmaly: "No, it is Baby Ten. Do you remember now?"
Me: "Ah. Yes, you are right. I forgot".

I do vaguely remember she called the doll Baby Ten the last time she was here, although I have no idea why. I don't have to wait long to find out. Emmaly makes that quite clear this morning.

She gets up with her doll tightly clutched in her arms. After having given Opa a good morning hug, Opa asks if she and her doll slept well. Emmaly answers affirmative and Opa inquires if her doll has a name.

Emmaly: "Yes. Her name is Baby Ten."
Opa: "What is her name?"
Emmaly: "It's Baby Ten."
Opa: "Baby Ten?"
Emmaly: "Yeah, because she is a ten!"

That doesn't leave any doubts, does it?! Grin.


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