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Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Date of occurrence:
July 2, 2015.

Daley is growing like crazy and is already rolling over.

Since mom went back to work about two weeks ago, he accompanies Levi to daycare.

Levi is so proud of him and is telling everyone that Daley is his little brother.

He will not let him out of his sight. Even when the daycare teacher walks off for a moment with Daley in her arms, Levi is right behind her demanding to know: "Where are you going with my little brother?"

Levi loves to play with Daley and Mom and Dad have to put a stop to it on several occasions, because he is rough-housing.

Levi has no notion yet that Daley is still very vulnerable.

Daley won't be anymore for long if he keeps growing like that!


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