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Monday, September 28, 2015

A Mutant Oma

Date of occurrence:
July 6, 2015.

Having the kids around doesn't just mean having our hands full, but it also ensures there is never a dull moment.

Kc got up this morning complaining his ear hurts on the inside. Uh oh, that might be an indicator of the beginning of an ear infection, considering the fact he has been swimming a lot lately. I give him some pain reliever and decide to keep an eye on it for a couple of days in hopes of it disappearing on its own.

Early in the morning, Emmaly got caught jumping on her bed. It may be fun, but I don't allow it since too many accidents have happened in the past. She knows better and is also very aware of the consequences; being banned from her room, including her toys that are in there, for the rest of the day.

Leo has the habit of hogging any and every toy or electronics his brother is playing with. Since Leo got a hold of Kc's DS and is all caught up in the game he is playing on it, Kc decides to take his remote controlled helicopter for a flight.

The helicopter barely has lift off when Leo dumps the DS, jumps up and tries to grab the controller out of his brother's hands. When he doesn't succeed, he keeps standing in the flight path and begs Kc to let him fly it. Some interference is needed and it is quickly resolved by directing Leo back to his previous activity.

Nope, there is never a dull moment. There are times though when I wish I could grow an extra pair of hands and eyes. It is not possible, but I bet the kids would have a blast. Imagine: a Mutant Ninja Oma.

Okay, okay. Forget the Ninja!


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