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Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Date of occurrence:
September 20, 2015.

Kc wants to talk to Leo and Emmaly and we let him make the call. As we are listening in on the conversation, Emmaly tells her big brother she has a boyfriend and his name is Noah.

Leo spills the beans and reveals Noah is not real, but just an imaginary friend.

After a little more investigation we find out there really is a boy named Noah at Emmaly's school whom she befriended and plays with. When she is at home, she pretends he is there with her.

She also shares she is going to be Sleeping Beauty for Halloween. Opa asks her if she is awake. When she answers affirmatively, he tells her to keep her pretty eyes open and not become a sleeping beauty. She is tickled and laughs.

Leo says he is going to be Thor this year, if they can find a big hammer that is. Opa warns him to be careful and not to hurt anyone with it, but he replies he would be carrying a fake hammer and not a real one.

I suppose if they can't find one, he has some alternatives.

He can choose to carry an imaginary one!


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