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Monday, November 16, 2015

Our Tough Little Man

Date of occurrence:
September 18, 2015.

Kc is playing a Nintendo DS game and wants me to give it a go. I tell him I can't, because I don't have my glasses with me. Helpful as he is, he jumps up and hurries to the office to get my second pair of eyes.

I look up just in time to see him make the turn into the office and watch him slip. His feet are swept out from under him and he smacks onto the floor.

I immediately jump up and kneel next to him, hoping he is okay. Considering how hard the collision with the floor was, the least I anticipate is a broken arm.

He is laying on his side, holding his elbow. When I ask him if he is okay, he rolls over and his face is contorted with pain. He is allright, but his arm is hurting really bad.

Thank the Lord it is not broken, but it is severely bruised and still aches after we take the ice pack off. Yeah, that will take a few days to heal.

Through all of this, Kc didn't shed one tear. He hardly ever does when he gets hurt.

He is not only our little man, but a tough one too!


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