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Saturday, December 5, 2015

Royal Family

Date of occurrence:
October 13, 2015.

Halloween is right around the corner and Isabella is not sure yet what she wants to dress up as. Mom is helping her out a little by showing her how pretty she would look as a princess.

Actually, Mom suggests they could both wear crowns and pretend to be of royal blood.

Bell sure likes that idea, but the crown has the tendency to slip of her head.

That is no problem: she holds it in place with both her hands, long enough for Mom to take a picture.

Lily observes her 'royal' family from a distance.

She sure likes the way they look and smile.

It is almost like she knows that one day she will dress up as a princess as well.

What she doesn't know is that she doesn't have to dress up like a princess.

To us, she already is one!


Blogger audrey` said...

Hello, Lieve Zus!!! Is olive green still your favourite colour? It's the in colour for this Christmas :)

7/12/15 12:36 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

My favorite color is hunter's green. It's darker then olive.

Do you have a different colour that's in each year?

Love and ((((HUGS))))
God's Grace.

7/12/15 5:17 AM  
Blogger audrey` said...

Oops... I remembered the shade wrongly. Sorry, Lieve Zus! Olive green is all over the stores now, from Singapore to Melbourne to Florida :)

12/12/15 7:44 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

No problem lieve zus. Olive green is very pretty too!

I am not sure what's trending here. We simply stick to the traditional red and gold. Grin.

God's Grace.

12/12/15 7:49 AM  

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