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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Happy Birthday To Our Princess

Date of occurrence:
October 8, 2015.

A very happy 6th Birthday, Emmaly!

Oh my, I can't believe she already hit the 6-year mark today, but she did.

We decided to wait until after supper to give her a call. Aunt A. came over and we got to talk to our little Miss Emmaly on Face-time.

She was so happy when we sang to her and told us she had the 'best day ever' at school. One of the first things we notice is a huge scab on and a smaller one under her chin.

Upon asking what happened, Emmaly told us she was running when she came out of school and fell. She also busted her knee and said it was bleeding pretty badly. Aw, poor thing.

She was fine though and looking forward to her Elsa cake. Most of her presents hadn't been opened yet, but we know she will be pleased with what we mailed to her.

She did have to show the one gift she already got. It was a backpack with the portraits of the princesses of 'Frozen' on it and adorned with lots of glitter.

We all agree: it is a beautiful gift for our beautiful princess!


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