When Disaster Strikes
Date of occurrence:
November 25, 2015.
Our youngest daughter offered to cook Thanksgiving dinner this year and the children were supposed to come over today so Mom would have the time and the space for cooking, baking, and other preparations.
That was the plan, but plans are bound to change when things don't work out accordingly.
The first thing that happened was our daughter calling early in the morning with the announcement she had a bad, sore throat, felt like she was coming down with a cold, and Leo already was coughing and sneezing.
Uh oh, that is not good. Both Opa and I can't get sick. It could have devastating consequences. She still planned on cooking dinner, but thought it would be best not to unnecessary expose us to the germs and keep the kids by her side.
She got busy and the second thing that happened was that the apple pie flaked out and removed itself from the menu.
Aw, what a shame. It sure would have looked so pretty and appetizing on the table had it not been a bit overdone.
Mom decided to rescue as much as possible by scraping off most of the burned crust and serve the remaining part for dessert tonight.
A few hours later, Mom called again with the message that more kids had come down with a cold as well. They were dropping like flies. Lily was not feeling well and Bell already suffered the effects of the cold. Needless to say Thanksgiving dinner is off.
I know from past experiences that when disaster strikes, it strikes with a vengeance. It didn't catch me off guard this time. I was prepared. We will have Thanksgiving dinner after all.
Too bad though I have to cook it now! Grin.
November 25, 2015.
Our youngest daughter offered to cook Thanksgiving dinner this year and the children were supposed to come over today so Mom would have the time and the space for cooking, baking, and other preparations.
That was the plan, but plans are bound to change when things don't work out accordingly.
The first thing that happened was our daughter calling early in the morning with the announcement she had a bad, sore throat, felt like she was coming down with a cold, and Leo already was coughing and sneezing.
Uh oh, that is not good. Both Opa and I can't get sick. It could have devastating consequences. She still planned on cooking dinner, but thought it would be best not to unnecessary expose us to the germs and keep the kids by her side.
Aw, what a shame. It sure would have looked so pretty and appetizing on the table had it not been a bit overdone.
Mom decided to rescue as much as possible by scraping off most of the burned crust and serve the remaining part for dessert tonight.
A few hours later, Mom called again with the message that more kids had come down with a cold as well. They were dropping like flies. Lily was not feeling well and Bell already suffered the effects of the cold. Needless to say Thanksgiving dinner is off.
I know from past experiences that when disaster strikes, it strikes with a vengeance. It didn't catch me off guard this time. I was prepared. We will have Thanksgiving dinner after all.
Too bad though I have to cook it now! Grin.
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