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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tickle Me

Date of occurrence:
December 26, 2015.

Emmaly and Isabella are seated next to each other in our van as we are on our way to the Christmas light display. They are having the best time and are trying to make the other one laugh.

Emmaly starts tickling her little sister, who laughs out so loud it hurts our ears. She doesn't hesitate to return the favor, but it has to be on her terms.

Isabella leans back in her car seat and crosses her arms. She looks at Emmaly and says: "Gimme arm."
Emmaly doesn't respond right away, since she is not sure what Bell means.
Isabella, more demanding this time: "Gimme arm!"

I explain to Emmaly that Bell wants her to stick out her arm. When she does, Bell's little fingers gently crawl up Emmaly's arm, while she says: "Tickle, tickle, tickle."

Bell leans back in her seat again. She is determined to have the favor returned and ensures there is not even the slightest trace of doubt left about that in any one's mind. Firm and authoritative she tells Emmaly: "Tickle me!"

Yeah, the little critter sure knows what she wants.

We might be in for a clash of the Titans soon! Grin.


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