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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Spring Fling

Date of occurrence:
April 8, 2016.

It's Spring Fling at school again and that means an entire day of games and play.
As soon as they walk through the door, the students' minds are not focused on learning anymore.

It is a good thing they don't have to concentrate, because Kc would not do too well at that today. His little brain has already been geared towards all the games he will be playing soon ever since he woke up.

And playing he does. After the opening ceremony the kids go inside where the indoor games start off their day. Kc reels in several prizes with fishing, tries his hand at ring toss, gets his face painted, makes a hat, dances, and insists on having his picture taken.

Around noon it is time to go outside and have fun in and glide down all the inflatable bounce houses and slides. One thing takes the cake though: knocker ball.

Kc can't get enough of it, even though he is constantly one of the first to go down and it causes a lens of his glasses to pop out. He doesn't even notice until it is time to go inside. We find the lens and manage to get it back in the frame.

After about half an hour the kids are allowed to go home. We had already anticipated an early dismissal.

It didn't knock us for a loop! :-)


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