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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Our Doll

Date of occurrence:
April 28, 2016.

It has been a while since we had Isabella over, but today we will enjoy her company for several hours.

As soon as she gets here she has no problem making herself at home. Shortly after her arrival it is lunch time.

I fix her a sandwich with apple-butter which she has not tasted before. She samples it.

The verdict is in pretty quick and she proclaims: "I like it."

We play house, kitty, call each other on the phone, and take pictures of each other.

About an hour later, she says she wants to eat something. She would like another sandwich with butter-apple as she calls it.

After filling her tummy, she takes her plate to the kitchen, throws away her napkin, and goes back to playing.

Time flies. Before we know it, it is time to pick up Kc from school. Bell is happy to see her big brother, but can't spend much time with him since Mom arrives to pick her up.

We get a big hug before Bell steps out of the door. We hate to see her leave. She is and was a doll.

She is our doll for sure!


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