Good Morning!
Date of occurrence:
August 7, 2016.
It is almost 6:30 am. Leo wakes up and comes staggering into the kitchen where I am making coffee.
He is still half dazed and confused, but as soon as he sees me he produces a huge smile, throws his arms in the air as a sign to give me a hug and comes right to me.
I tell him 'Good Morning, buddy', give him a long hug and ask if he slept okay. An 'uh-huh' is the answer and he lets go to get his second hug from Opa.
The next thing he does is grab his i-Pad.
He situates himself on the couch and we know we won't hear a peep out of him for a while.
He usually needs some time to himself to wake up. And that is fine.
About half an hour later Emmaly walks into the office. She has her wits about her as soon as she opens her eyes, but is not very talkative.
She too gives us a big smile and a hug and follows in her brother's footsteps by getting her i-Pad.
She wants to get her favorite blanket, but since that is already in use she makes due with another one and curls up in a chair with her doll.
She too will be busy for a while. And that is fine.
Kc on the other hand gets up much later, says 'Good Morning', smiles, gives hugs, and immediately starts telling about the dream he had last night.
He is up and ready to embrace the day and face whatever comes his way. And that is fine.
Just seeing the huge smiles on those little faces already makes it a very good morning! :-)
August 7, 2016.
It is almost 6:30 am. Leo wakes up and comes staggering into the kitchen where I am making coffee.
He is still half dazed and confused, but as soon as he sees me he produces a huge smile, throws his arms in the air as a sign to give me a hug and comes right to me.
I tell him 'Good Morning, buddy', give him a long hug and ask if he slept okay. An 'uh-huh' is the answer and he lets go to get his second hug from Opa.

He situates himself on the couch and we know we won't hear a peep out of him for a while.
He usually needs some time to himself to wake up. And that is fine.
About half an hour later Emmaly walks into the office. She has her wits about her as soon as she opens her eyes, but is not very talkative.

She wants to get her favorite blanket, but since that is already in use she makes due with another one and curls up in a chair with her doll.
She too will be busy for a while. And that is fine.
Kc on the other hand gets up much later, says 'Good Morning', smiles, gives hugs, and immediately starts telling about the dream he had last night.
He is up and ready to embrace the day and face whatever comes his way. And that is fine.
Just seeing the huge smiles on those little faces already makes it a very good morning! :-)
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