Expect The Unexpected
Date of occurrence:
July 14, 2016.
Kc and aunt A. are going to Scout Resident Camp and since Kc is a Webelos now, he will have to camp out in his own tent.
Practice makes perfect and we ensure he knows how to set up his tent by having him pitch and take it down in the back yard and even inside several times.
He is doing a great job and is fully aware he has to be careful when bending the poles into position, because he will have no tent when they break.
After arriving at camp, Kc starts setting up his accommodations for the night and...... breaks one of the poles.
Duct tape fixes the problem momentarily, but after getting back from lunch, another part of the pole gave up the ghost.
We know our little man is sick about that. He has been so looking forward to sleeping in his tent by himself.
Oh well, those things happen.
Kc is allowed to share his aunt's tent as they will try to fix his the next day, if the weather permits. We hope they can put it together and it will hold up for a couple of nights.
We are sorry this happened, but we chalk it up to a lesson learned.
He also knows now to expect the unexpected!
July 14, 2016.
Kc and aunt A. are going to Scout Resident Camp and since Kc is a Webelos now, he will have to camp out in his own tent.
Practice makes perfect and we ensure he knows how to set up his tent by having him pitch and take it down in the back yard and even inside several times.
He is doing a great job and is fully aware he has to be careful when bending the poles into position, because he will have no tent when they break.

Duct tape fixes the problem momentarily, but after getting back from lunch, another part of the pole gave up the ghost.
We know our little man is sick about that. He has been so looking forward to sleeping in his tent by himself.
Oh well, those things happen.
Kc is allowed to share his aunt's tent as they will try to fix his the next day, if the weather permits. We hope they can put it together and it will hold up for a couple of nights.
We are sorry this happened, but we chalk it up to a lesson learned.
He also knows now to expect the unexpected!
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