The Girls
Date of occurrence:
June 22, 2016.
We are having both Emmaly and Isabella over for the night. They are really excited about a sleep-over without the boys and are playing the day away.
They make a drawing and while doing so, Emmaly asks Bell if she can borrow the circle that goes with the sketch board.
Emmaly: "Bella? Can I have the circle for a second?"
Isabella replies: "No".
The little critter leans over instead and puts a circle on Emmaly's pad.
She then graciously says: "Here you go."
The drawing is complete in no time and they proudly show off a picture representing all of us.
The girls are about to watch some TV and waiting for their show to come on.
While I am making coffee, Isabella comes into the kitchen.
Isabella: "What are you doing, Oma?"
Before I can answer she says: "Oh, you making coffee."
Me: "Yes, I am".
Emmaly calls out: "Bella! The show is coming on."
Isabella turns around, steps into the living room and scolds her sister for interrupting: "I am talking to Oma!"
She sits down though and they watch their show. As soon as it is over, they vanish into their room to 'bake' some Lego cakes.
They decide to surprise us. Isabella is carrying the cakes, followed closely by Emmaly. They step into the office while singing the Birthday song.
It hardly ever occurs to be treated on delicious-looking Lego cakes made by Emmaly and accompanied by a 'Happer Birthday' sang by Bell.
It sure is a pleasant and endearing surprise!
June 22, 2016.
We are having both Emmaly and Isabella over for the night. They are really excited about a sleep-over without the boys and are playing the day away.
They make a drawing and while doing so, Emmaly asks Bell if she can borrow the circle that goes with the sketch board.
Emmaly: "Bella? Can I have the circle for a second?"
Isabella replies: "No".
The little critter leans over instead and puts a circle on Emmaly's pad.
She then graciously says: "Here you go."
The drawing is complete in no time and they proudly show off a picture representing all of us.
The girls are about to watch some TV and waiting for their show to come on.
While I am making coffee, Isabella comes into the kitchen.
Isabella: "What are you doing, Oma?"
Before I can answer she says: "Oh, you making coffee."
Me: "Yes, I am".
Emmaly calls out: "Bella! The show is coming on."
She sits down though and they watch their show. As soon as it is over, they vanish into their room to 'bake' some Lego cakes.
They decide to surprise us. Isabella is carrying the cakes, followed closely by Emmaly. They step into the office while singing the Birthday song.
It hardly ever occurs to be treated on delicious-looking Lego cakes made by Emmaly and accompanied by a 'Happer Birthday' sang by Bell.
It sure is a pleasant and endearing surprise!
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