Divine Art
Date of occurrence:
September 1, 2016.
Isabella has been going to church for a few months now. She accompanies aunt A. and her big brother Kc every Wednesday evening and Sunday morning and is looking forward to attend.
She may be looking forward to going, but it doesn't always seem like she enjoys being there. She has a hard time listening, is constantly talking, and even throws an occasional fit when things don't go her way.
We are not too worried; she will get the hang of it, eventually.
She had a good time yesterday evening though and colored a pretty drawing which she left in aunt A.'s car.
Her big brother noticed it and took it in with the intention to give it to Bell as soon as possible.
Before he does, I take the opportunity to snap a picture of it.
It does not happen very often we get to admire Bell's divine art!
September 1, 2016.
Isabella has been going to church for a few months now. She accompanies aunt A. and her big brother Kc every Wednesday evening and Sunday morning and is looking forward to attend.
She may be looking forward to going, but it doesn't always seem like she enjoys being there. She has a hard time listening, is constantly talking, and even throws an occasional fit when things don't go her way.
We are not too worried; she will get the hang of it, eventually.
Her big brother noticed it and took it in with the intention to give it to Bell as soon as possible.
Before he does, I take the opportunity to snap a picture of it.
It does not happen very often we get to admire Bell's divine art!
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