Happy Easter
Date of occurrence:
April 16, 2017.
It is Easter and Our Lord has risen. Kc is at the age where he understands the meaning of Easter and rejoices in it, while Bell is still more interested in if the Easter Bunny came by and what he brought them.
He sure didn't pass up their house and brought lots of chocolates, candies, and even some toys and electronics.
Before being able to play and indulge in all the goodies though, it is time to attend church in their brand new Easter outfits. They sure look pretty. :-)

After church it is dinner time at our house. Our youngest daughter took care of the meal and did an outstanding job. We loaded our plates, stuffed our tummies, and enjoyed each other's company.
The Easter Bunny didn't pass up our home either. He hid a lot of eggs in the yard and all the kids went on an egg hunt.
Lily joined, but after picking up a few eggs, she had enough.
Me: "Lily, look. An egg. Put it in your bag."
Lily: "No."
She turns, walks away, plops on the patio and starts opening the eggs she found.
Bell and Kc on the other hand can't get enough of hunting down the plastic eggs.

They fill their bags and are excited about every surprise hidden inside.
Before we know it, the day is nearing it's end. It was a wonderful day. A day to rejoice and be thankful for.
We hope your Easter was as happy as ours!
April 16, 2017.
It is Easter and Our Lord has risen. Kc is at the age where he understands the meaning of Easter and rejoices in it, while Bell is still more interested in if the Easter Bunny came by and what he brought them.
He sure didn't pass up their house and brought lots of chocolates, candies, and even some toys and electronics.
Before being able to play and indulge in all the goodies though, it is time to attend church in their brand new Easter outfits. They sure look pretty. :-)

After church it is dinner time at our house. Our youngest daughter took care of the meal and did an outstanding job. We loaded our plates, stuffed our tummies, and enjoyed each other's company.
The Easter Bunny didn't pass up our home either. He hid a lot of eggs in the yard and all the kids went on an egg hunt.
Lily joined, but after picking up a few eggs, she had enough.
Me: "Lily, look. An egg. Put it in your bag."
Lily: "No."
She turns, walks away, plops on the patio and starts opening the eggs she found.
Bell and Kc on the other hand can't get enough of hunting down the plastic eggs.

They fill their bags and are excited about every surprise hidden inside.
Before we know it, the day is nearing it's end. It was a wonderful day. A day to rejoice and be thankful for.
We hope your Easter was as happy as ours!
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