Sneaky Face
Date of occurrence:
July 12, 2017.
Lily and Emmaly are honoring us with a visit today. As soon as Opa opens the front door to let them in, Lily calls out: "Opa!"
They come in and the first thing on the agenda is breakfast. Lily eats just a little. She is more interested in playing and both girls head towards the doll house.
Lily plays, comes to get or give a hug or a kiss, gets tired, has lunch, goes to bed, doesn't want to go to sleep and climbs out of the crib to resume playing.
She finally takes a short nap, goes back to playing with her sister, makes me two presents, takes off all her clothes and gets mad when I put them back on her.
She is fascinated by Opa and calls him all the time, but refuses to say 'Oma'.
In spite of telling her a gazillion times that her sister's name is Emmaly, she keeps calling her Leo.
She tests the water several times, but finds out quick enough that no means no. She still tries to get away with it by grinning at me real big. I ask her if that is her sneaky face and she smiles.
It sure is. Each time she is about to defy or is disobeying the rules, she shows her 'sneaky face'. Yes, it is cute and hard to resist.
And she knows it too! Grin.
July 12, 2017.
Lily and Emmaly are honoring us with a visit today. As soon as Opa opens the front door to let them in, Lily calls out: "Opa!"
They come in and the first thing on the agenda is breakfast. Lily eats just a little. She is more interested in playing and both girls head towards the doll house.

She finally takes a short nap, goes back to playing with her sister, makes me two presents, takes off all her clothes and gets mad when I put them back on her.
She is fascinated by Opa and calls him all the time, but refuses to say 'Oma'.
In spite of telling her a gazillion times that her sister's name is Emmaly, she keeps calling her Leo.
She tests the water several times, but finds out quick enough that no means no. She still tries to get away with it by grinning at me real big. I ask her if that is her sneaky face and she smiles.
It sure is. Each time she is about to defy or is disobeying the rules, she shows her 'sneaky face'. Yes, it is cute and hard to resist.
And she knows it too! Grin.
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