A Winner
Date of occurrence:
November 25, 2017.
Alabama is playing against Auburn in the Iron Bowl today and we all are ready for it. Aunt A. and Emmaly are rooting for Auburn, while the rest of the family is cheering for Alabama.
The kids fill up on all the finger foods and Leo even manages to stuff his tummy to a point where it hurts. He retreats to the bedroom with his iPad.
During half time, Kc asks his friend J. if he can and wants to come over to watch the rest of the game with us.
He shows up a few minutes later and joins us. So does Leo.
His stomach is fine again and he even asks when we are going to eat.
Yeah, he is a bottomless pit. Grin.
Speaking of the pits, so was the game for most of us. It didn't turn out the way the Alabama fans had hoped, but at least the Auburn fans were happy.
It didn't really matter. We all had a good time and enjoyed each other's company. The day turned out great.
It was a winner!
November 25, 2017.
Alabama is playing against Auburn in the Iron Bowl today and we all are ready for it. Aunt A. and Emmaly are rooting for Auburn, while the rest of the family is cheering for Alabama.
The kids fill up on all the finger foods and Leo even manages to stuff his tummy to a point where it hurts. He retreats to the bedroom with his iPad.

He shows up a few minutes later and joins us. So does Leo.
His stomach is fine again and he even asks when we are going to eat.
Yeah, he is a bottomless pit. Grin.
Speaking of the pits, so was the game for most of us. It didn't turn out the way the Alabama fans had hoped, but at least the Auburn fans were happy.
It didn't really matter. We all had a good time and enjoyed each other's company. The day turned out great.
It was a winner!
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