Blowing In The Wind
Date of occurrence:
March 12, 2009.
Little Leo is 13 and a half months old.
Little Leo is getting excited as well, about roaming around in the yard. He follows his older brother around, as fast as his little leggies can carry him. Since our yard slopes down a bit, he stumbles several times.
He does not care. He stops where he drops and examines his environment closely. Usually with his hands and if there is an unguarded moment, with his mouth as well. Yeah, an extra pair of eyes in the back of Oma's head, would be very welcome.
Since several of the Dandelions already had bloomed, they turned in to those pretty, white, round balls of seeds. The boys are fascinated with them. Especially, after I showed them how to make those little seeds drift in the wind, by blowing at them.
Leo had paid close attention to that. He thought it was so cool, he could do that too. He staggered right up to a dandelion, picked it, held it in front of his mouth and blew. Nothing happened. He got a little frown on his face, staring at the Dandelion. I could almost see him think: "Huh? I did it right. Why is it not working?"
I was pleasantly surprised by his action and praised him for a job well done. Then, I showed him what the difference was. Sorry little guy, you had the concept right. Unfortunately .....,
it does not work on a Dandelion in full bloom. :-)
March 12, 2009.
Little Leo is 13 and a half months old.
Little Leo is getting excited as well, about roaming around in the yard. He follows his older brother around, as fast as his little leggies can carry him. Since our yard slopes down a bit, he stumbles several times.

Since several of the Dandelions already had bloomed, they turned in to those pretty, white, round balls of seeds. The boys are fascinated with them. Especially, after I showed them how to make those little seeds drift in the wind, by blowing at them.
Leo had paid close attention to that. He thought it was so cool, he could do that too. He staggered right up to a dandelion, picked it, held it in front of his mouth and blew. Nothing happened. He got a little frown on his face, staring at the Dandelion. I could almost see him think: "Huh? I did it right. Why is it not working?"
I was pleasantly surprised by his action and praised him for a job well done. Then, I showed him what the difference was. Sorry little guy, you had the concept right. Unfortunately .....,
it does not work on a Dandelion in full bloom. :-)
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