Precious Cargo
Date of occurrence:
March 12, 2009.
Kc is 2 yrs and 2 months old and Leo is 1 yr and 1 and a half month old.
Both boys love to be in the car. Lil' Kc knows where the key goes and can even crank the car. It is a good thing that his little leggies are too short to reach the pedals, otherwise he would take off!
Leo loves to steer and big brother is a willing 'passenger', ready to go where his sibling would take him.
Ehhh... which way to the toy store? Can someone give me any directions?
We are not going anywhere, Kc. Are you sure you cranked the car? The wheels are not turning.
Don't take such sharp turns, Bro. Oops!
Gotcha! You thought he fell out of the window, didn't you? Let me put your mind at ease: he did not. Leo got lifted out of the car by his mom and I just happened to take the shot as she did. I could not help but laugh when I saw the picture. With those little chubbies sticking up in the air it sure looked like he fell out.
Maybe it would be wise for their parents to get a large bumper sticker to make everyone aware of the fact that they are carrying...
March 12, 2009.
Kc is 2 yrs and 2 months old and Leo is 1 yr and 1 and a half month old.
Both boys love to be in the car. Lil' Kc knows where the key goes and can even crank the car. It is a good thing that his little leggies are too short to reach the pedals, otherwise he would take off!
Leo loves to steer and big brother is a willing 'passenger', ready to go where his sibling would take him.

Gotcha! You thought he fell out of the window, didn't you? Let me put your mind at ease: he did not. Leo got lifted out of the car by his mom and I just happened to take the shot as she did. I could not help but laugh when I saw the picture. With those little chubbies sticking up in the air it sure looked like he fell out.
Maybe it would be wise for their parents to get a large bumper sticker to make everyone aware of the fact that they are carrying...

very precious cargo! :-)
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