Round and Round and Round He Goes
Date of occurrence:
June 18, 2009.
Leo is 1 year and 5 and a half months old.
Lil' Leo follows his big brother around everywhere he goes. Not just that, but he loves to duplicate his bro's actions as well, especially when they entice a laugh.
The other day there was some music on the TV which caused lil' Kc to dance; he sways to and fro, his little hands half up in the air. It always makes me smile and as soon as lil' Leo noticed that, he began dancing as well.
With a big grin on his face, he came up with his own choreography: hands and arms midway in the air and going around in tiny circles. He went around and around as fast as his little chubbies would allow.
I couldn't help but laugh out loud; it was such a cute sight, until he was stopped dead in his tracks by dizziness. Oops, neither he nor I had anticipated that. He stumbled over his own little feet and being totally off balance, fortunately fell in to the chair.
I am not sure which was cuter: him dancing or him draped half over the chair, laughing his little head off. As soon as he got his balance back, he did it again. This time a little slower and even though he still got dizzy, he made sure not to fall down.
I suppose he learned pretty quick what was meant by: round and round and round he goes. Where he stops? Nobody knows!
Nope, not even him. Grin.
June 18, 2009.
Leo is 1 year and 5 and a half months old.
Lil' Leo follows his big brother around everywhere he goes. Not just that, but he loves to duplicate his bro's actions as well, especially when they entice a laugh.
With a big grin on his face, he came up with his own choreography: hands and arms midway in the air and going around in tiny circles. He went around and around as fast as his little chubbies would allow.
I couldn't help but laugh out loud; it was such a cute sight, until he was stopped dead in his tracks by dizziness. Oops, neither he nor I had anticipated that. He stumbled over his own little feet and being totally off balance, fortunately fell in to the chair.
I am not sure which was cuter: him dancing or him draped half over the chair, laughing his little head off. As soon as he got his balance back, he did it again. This time a little slower and even though he still got dizzy, he made sure not to fall down.
I suppose he learned pretty quick what was meant by: round and round and round he goes. Where he stops? Nobody knows!
Nope, not even him. Grin.
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