Time Out
Date of occurrence:
June 17, 2009.
Leo is 1 year and almost 5 months old.
No matter how you slice it; lil' Leo is a hardhead. He wants what he wants, when he wants it and it does not matter how often you tell him: "No, no, don't touch that!"
He may leave it alone after being told and is aware that he is being watched closely, but as soon as you turn your back he does it anyway. Okay...., that calls for other actions on our part; he will need to go in time out!
He is old enough to grasp the concept and connect the dots as to what a time out means and why he is being put in it. So, we agreed that would be the route to go as soon as he decided to ignore us again, which did not take long.
Off he went, to the end of the hall where he sat down. He thought it was funny at first and as soon as we turned our back on him, he was in the living room before we knew it. Oh no, little man, back you go. It suddenly dawned on him: oops, they mean business and it was no longer funny.
After having 'timed out' on several occasions, he started correcting himself. When being told that he could not do something, we pretended not to look at him. His little hand tended to wander towards the forbidden item and then he would withdraw it quickly, turned around and started playing with the toys.
I can imagine how hard it must have been for him not to give in to his wants. Good job, little guy. Oma and Opa are proud of you!
June 17, 2009.
Leo is 1 year and almost 5 months old.

He may leave it alone after being told and is aware that he is being watched closely, but as soon as you turn your back he does it anyway. Okay...., that calls for other actions on our part; he will need to go in time out!
He is old enough to grasp the concept and connect the dots as to what a time out means and why he is being put in it. So, we agreed that would be the route to go as soon as he decided to ignore us again, which did not take long.
Off he went, to the end of the hall where he sat down. He thought it was funny at first and as soon as we turned our back on him, he was in the living room before we knew it. Oh no, little man, back you go. It suddenly dawned on him: oops, they mean business and it was no longer funny.
After having 'timed out' on several occasions, he started correcting himself. When being told that he could not do something, we pretended not to look at him. His little hand tended to wander towards the forbidden item and then he would withdraw it quickly, turned around and started playing with the toys.
I can imagine how hard it must have been for him not to give in to his wants. Good job, little guy. Oma and Opa are proud of you!
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