Slippery Business
Date of occurrence:
June 18, 2009.
Leo is 1 yr and 5 and a half month old and Kc is 2 yrs and 4 months old.
I still haven't figured out what the fascination is with my slippers. Kc loved to take off with at least one of them, ever since he could crawl. Now, both Leo and Kc pull them off my feet the first chance they get. I suppose they like the softness of the slippers.
Both boys love to put them on their feet and stagger through the house. It is funny seeing those little feet in those large slippers, but they manage to get around in them pretty well. There are two disadvantages though.
Number one: Oma has got to go on a slipper hunt to find them after the boys used them.
Number two: Oma has only got two feet; that means having to share!
I suppose I need to grow an extra pair!
June 18, 2009.
Leo is 1 yr and 5 and a half month old and Kc is 2 yrs and 4 months old.
I still haven't figured out what the fascination is with my slippers. Kc loved to take off with at least one of them, ever since he could crawl. Now, both Leo and Kc pull them off my feet the first chance they get. I suppose they like the softness of the slippers.
Both boys love to put them on their feet and stagger through the house. It is funny seeing those little feet in those large slippers, but they manage to get around in them pretty well. There are two disadvantages though.
Number one: Oma has got to go on a slipper hunt to find them after the boys used them.
Number two: Oma has only got two feet; that means having to share!

I've read some about RA. Interesting stuff. Both my husband and I have rheumatic diseases. We try to keep updated, but..
One gets tired of being ill 24/7.
Food and medicine allergies and intolerances; we try to cope with them as best we can.
Somehow they can not take over our lives.
They are what we have, not what we are.
However we are always open to new knowledge, especially since the doctors many times have prescribed medication later proven to be dangerous. (I.E. Vioxx)
You have some lovely grandchildren. Bet they brighten your day more than any medicine.
You may of course use my photos.
From Felisol
I am so sorry to hear about y'alls diseases. I know from experience how awful it is to be constantly in pain. If I can be of help, please don't hesitate to let me know!
Yes, our grandkids are such a great blessing and we are grateful for every moment we can spend with them.
Thank you so much for allowing me to use the photos, I really appreciate it.
God's Grace.
cute boys. such a blessing.
Thanks girl, they are a major blessing and so is little Emmy.
Luv ya.
God's Grace.
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