Sleeping Like A Baby
Date of occurrence:
November 27, 2009.
Emmy is 7 weeks old.
Emmy is such a cutie; she does not cry that much, only when those nasty cramps are bothering her. The poor little thing has a lot of problems with her digestive system though.
Yeah, most babies do the first several months, but it is agonizing seeing her cramping so bad and knowing how much it hurts. We got her some drops to relieve the pain and they seem to help some. Thank The Lord!
When she is awake she likes to study our faces and is content being held. She does not smile yet, but I don't think that will take much longer. She sure loves to be talked to and gets all excited. We can tell due to her little arms and legs going in every direction.
I noticed when she is about to fall asleep, those same little arms are waking her up. She is almost off to LaLa-Land, when they make an uncontrolled movement and keep her from her so needed rest. I solved that problem by swaddling her.
Now, she is sleeping like a baby. A beautiful one, I may add. :-)
November 27, 2009.
Emmy is 7 weeks old.

Yeah, most babies do the first several months, but it is agonizing seeing her cramping so bad and knowing how much it hurts. We got her some drops to relieve the pain and they seem to help some. Thank The Lord!
When she is awake she likes to study our faces and is content being held. She does not smile yet, but I don't think that will take much longer. She sure loves to be talked to and gets all excited. We can tell due to her little arms and legs going in every direction.
I noticed when she is about to fall asleep, those same little arms are waking her up. She is almost off to LaLa-Land, when they make an uncontrolled movement and keep her from her so needed rest. I solved that problem by swaddling her.
Now, she is sleeping like a baby. A beautiful one, I may add. :-)
Hi Corry,
She is a little doll and so small when or If would hold her it would make me feel as I might break Her !
Blessings to you and Opa.
Yeah, she was so tiny, but you would have both your hands full now. She has grown so much and is a little, smiling, chubby cutie. :-)
Blessing to you and yours.
God's Grace.
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