Making It Last
Date of occurrence:
August 28, 2010.
Kc is 3 years and a half years old.
The little guy loves drinking a diet coke and whenever we go for an exploration drive, we can anticipate the question: "Casey diet coke?"
Sure, why not? We don't usually buy that stuff and therefore it is a treat for all of us, when he gets one.
He has no problem drinking it straigth from the bottle and insisted on keeping the empty bottle. I had no clue what he wanted to do with it, until suddenly he came back from the bathroom, proudly holding it up and announcing that "Casey had a diet coke!"
You do? Let me see....
Low and behold, the little rascal went in to the bathroom, filled the entire bottle with water, put the cap back on, pretended he had a bottle of diet coke again and took little sips all through the day.
I have to hand it to him; he sure knows how to make it last! :-)
August 28, 2010.
Kc is 3 years and a half years old.

Sure, why not? We don't usually buy that stuff and therefore it is a treat for all of us, when he gets one.
He has no problem drinking it straigth from the bottle and insisted on keeping the empty bottle. I had no clue what he wanted to do with it, until suddenly he came back from the bathroom, proudly holding it up and announcing that "Casey had a diet coke!"
You do? Let me see....
Low and behold, the little rascal went in to the bathroom, filled the entire bottle with water, put the cap back on, pretended he had a bottle of diet coke again and took little sips all through the day.
I have to hand it to him; he sure knows how to make it last! :-)
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