Brothers Lead By Example
Date of occurrence:
May 22, 2010.
Emmaly is one year and almost 8 months old.
I wish I had the camera with me and taken a picture of the following, but it all happened so fast and was over in a few seconds.
Both boys are potty trained now and of course have to answer the call of nature several times a day. They don't bother to close the bathroom door, because they ran in, do their duty and ran out to resume playing.
Their little sister follows them every where and more often then not, witnesses them emptying their bladder and figured out; that is the way it's done.
Leo could barely hold it and ran to the bathroom, as usual followed by little Emmaly. I go with him, because he still needs a little help pulling up his pants after he is done and to keep him from toilet papering the entire bathroom. Grin.
He returned to his toys as soon as he was done, but this time she didn't follow him when he ran back. Instead, she positioned herself in front of the toilet, lifted up her dress, scooted her little diapered pelvis forward and imitated her brother by pretending to pee in the potty.
I busted out laughing and got a big, grin back from the little redhead. When I told her mom what she was up to, I learned she had been doing that a couple of times before already.
Brothers lead by example, huh? Although, I wouldn't be surprised if this little smarty pants didn't really wet her diaper in the process!
May 22, 2010.
Emmaly is one year and almost 8 months old.

Both boys are potty trained now and of course have to answer the call of nature several times a day. They don't bother to close the bathroom door, because they ran in, do their duty and ran out to resume playing.
Their little sister follows them every where and more often then not, witnesses them emptying their bladder and figured out; that is the way it's done.
Leo could barely hold it and ran to the bathroom, as usual followed by little Emmaly. I go with him, because he still needs a little help pulling up his pants after he is done and to keep him from toilet papering the entire bathroom. Grin.
He returned to his toys as soon as he was done, but this time she didn't follow him when he ran back. Instead, she positioned herself in front of the toilet, lifted up her dress, scooted her little diapered pelvis forward and imitated her brother by pretending to pee in the potty.
I busted out laughing and got a big, grin back from the little redhead. When I told her mom what she was up to, I learned she had been doing that a couple of times before already.
Brothers lead by example, huh? Although, I wouldn't be surprised if this little smarty pants didn't really wet her diaper in the process!
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