Our Super Heroes
Date of occurrence:
July 14, 2011.
The boys aunt had at one point given both of them a super hero mask with an attached cape to it. I had hardly seen the boys play with it, but we kept it in the toy basket anyway; you never know when they feel like playing with the costumes.
We had both boys staying with us and little Leo had disappeared in the front bedroom where their big toy trunk had taken up residency.
All of a sudden, something red popped up in front of my eyes and there he was, all dressed up as Mister Super Hero. Upon asking who he was, he replied he was 'Supahman'. You never know what appeals to them and when.
Of course that prompted his older brother to do the same and he rushed in to the living room, disguised as Super Hero #2. Upon asking which super hero he was, he answered he was 'Spiderman'.
I thought it was better to ask, then making a wrong guess and unleash the wrath of a super hero upon me. You never know who you are dealing with. Grin.
It doesn't matter whether they wear the outfits, or not and who they are impersonating; they both are and always will be our little Super Heroes!
July 14, 2011.
The boys aunt had at one point given both of them a super hero mask with an attached cape to it. I had hardly seen the boys play with it, but we kept it in the toy basket anyway; you never know when they feel like playing with the costumes.

All of a sudden, something red popped up in front of my eyes and there he was, all dressed up as Mister Super Hero. Upon asking who he was, he replied he was 'Supahman'. You never know what appeals to them and when.

I thought it was better to ask, then making a wrong guess and unleash the wrath of a super hero upon me. You never know who you are dealing with. Grin.
It doesn't matter whether they wear the outfits, or not and who they are impersonating; they both are and always will be our little Super Heroes!
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