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Friday, February 15, 2013

Shop To Your Heart's Content

This post brought to you by TrulyShare ShopOnPage. All opinions are 100% mine.

Since many bloggers and website owners are looking for easy ways to make some extra cash, advertising programs have taken a huge flight. I am guilty as charged, but nothing beats inserting a simple code in your template and not having to worry about it anymore, while the money is coming in.

The only problem I have with the majority of those programs is that they either take up a lot of valuable space on the site and/or can give a rather cluttered and confusing look. My experience is also that they often inhibit the site to load quickly which may turn away many potential readers and followers.

That is not the case with the ShopOnPage product from TrulyShare. Look at the top left side of my site. Notice the small orange 'shop' label? Why don't you click on it and see how it pulls up high-quality products from top retailers, without interfering with the site.

Make money on your site

This small widget can earn you more commission on purchases which is incremental revenue over all other advertising. Refer friends to sign up and you earn additional commission. Sign up for Free, insert the widget code, and done. It doesn't take but a minute and you are up and running.

There is no product search or manual work, it does not interfere with other ad networks, and gives users a great experience; they can shop to their heart's content!

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