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Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Food Fight

Date of occurrence:
August 19, 2013.

It is mind-boggling to see how fast those little ones grow and develop their motor skills when they are just a little over 7 months old.

Our youngest granddaughter Bell is a good example of that and she had no problems demonstrating it too.

We had not seen her for about two weeks and we were astonished watching the little critter sitting up on her own. She still has some trouble keeping her balance and, more often than not, finds herself on her back instead of her little bottoms.

She is good in catching herself when she falls backwards, but she can't get back into the sitting position yet unless she is offered a helping hand. It won't be long before she can do that as well.

Bell is on baby food full-time now and the honors to feed her were mine. She made short notice of the small jars of sweet potatoes and fruit and she truly enjoyed her meal.

So did her dress and one of her legs when she decided to try and instigate a food fight by blowing on the spoon as it came close to her mouth. It is at those times when I am extremely grateful for paper towels and washing machines.

I know; this too will blow over! Grin.


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