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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Breaking The Bank

Date of occurrence:
September 18, 2013.

Now that the grandchildren have gone back home, we finally have the time to ourselves again and I was able to finish my craft project in progress; Levi's bank.

It turned out really cute and before shipping it across the big pond, we filled its tummy with a snack in the form of some American currency.

After including a little note, we mailed it and let our daughter know that a package for Levi was on the way.

Let the waiting game begin. We never know when it will arrive or if it will even make it to its destination. It wouldn't be the first time something got lost or arrived months later.

It took a little over a week to get there. That was pretty quick and we were glad to hear it arrived safe and sound.

Levi was tickled with his gift and especially with the contents. It had his full and undivided attention. I can't blame him since this must have been the strangest money he had ever seen in his life.

All he has to do now is to learn being thrifty and save up. Hopefully, he is literally and figuratively speaking not going to break the bank!


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