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Saturday, May 23, 2015


Date of occurrence:
July 5, 2014.

It had been a while since we had the grandchildren on Independence Day and it was a smashing success. We had some child-friendly fireworks and decided to have movie night until it was dark enough to where they could enjoy it.

It just so happened the movie 'Brave' came on which we had not seen yet. As soon as the first animations of Princess Merida filled the screen, our jaws dropped to the floor.

She was the spitting image of our granddaughter Emmaly: the same bright-orange, unruly hair and the same character and attitude to go with it.

Our little, almost 5-year old is just as stubborn and hard-headed.
She is never shy for an answer either.

Aunt A. had just given her a bath and told her to wash herself thoroughly including her face and her legs. Rather 'all of her legs' as her literal words were, to which the critter answered: "I don't have that many".

And that is only one example, but I can give you a gazillion more. Let's hope her pride doesn't get the best of her when she gets older. She better be loaded for bear.

Oh wait, she already is!


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