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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Fast And Furious

Date of occurrence:
June 29, 2014.

It is hard to believe a year has already flown by since the last time the kids spent their summer vacation with us. But, it is that time again and we are looking forward to their arrival today. Since Leo had an All Star game to play, they will be here in the late afternoon.

That gives us plenty of time to prepare. We have a few small gifts for each of them and set those out on the table. They can't miss them, not that there is any doubt in our minds they will. Grin.

Around 5pm the car pulls up in the drive way. The kids get out and storm into the house. After sharing hugs, they attack their presents. They need our help with the unwrapping and inserting batteries. Within no time the house feels and looks like a battle field.

They sure had grown. We found out Leo's game ended in a tie and both he and Emmaly were doing well at school. Emmaly's modeling career hasn't taken off yet. They are still pursuing it though.

Mom and Kc arrive about 15 minutes later. The kids will go with her for the time being, but they will be spending time with us soon.

Their departure is as fast as their arrival and the short time we got to spend with them didn't even allow for taking pictures. Oh well, there will be enough opportunity for that next time.

All of sudden the silence is deafening. Both Opa and I had the same thought though; the visit was fast and furious!


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