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Monday, May 18, 2015

A Man Of His Word

Date of occurrence:
July 1, 2014.

The grandchildren came back this morning and had no problems settling in, claiming their toys, and taking over or at least try to. Grin. We are happy to see them and keep them busy since they can't go outside. The temperatures have risen to a point where it is miserably hot, muggy, and unhealthy.

They play for a while until Emmaly and her big brother end up in an argument. Kc tried to show her something, but she yanked the toy out of his hand. When I talked to both of them about what happened, Emmaly royally admitted she had been 'mean' to her brother, as he called it.

Upon asking Emmaly what she was going to do about it, she said she would apologize. I mentioned to her how wise that was and without any hesitation she told her sibling she was sorry for taking away the toy. The dispute was settled to everyone's satisfaction and the peace was restored.

There is plenty to do and they are all excited to paint for the first time with their magic paint brush. As Leo sits down he tells me he is going to paint something that will 'knock my socks off'.

I let them go about their business and a few minutes later, Leo is standing next to me and shows me his creation.

Me: "Wow, Leo. That is so pretty. It almost looks like a rainbow'.
Leo: "It is a rainbow".
Me: "I like it a lot".
Leo: "I told you it would knock your socks off"!

Yes, he is a man of his word!


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