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Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Great Dream

Date of occurrence:
July 21, 2014.

Our A/C is fixed and the children have returned. Emmaly is always up early. Just like clockwork every day, around 6:30 in the morning you can expect to see that little carrot top appear in the office with her baby doll safely clutched in her arms.

Still half asleep she comes up to me and gives us a hug. I can't help but state the obvious: "Good morning. You are always up this early, aren't you"? An "uh-huh" is her initial answer.

Suddenly her eyes open up wide and her entire face lights up. Full of excitement she tells us she had a dream. Not just a dream, but a great dream. It was about her. She was Princess Emmaly Wookie Wonderfoot.

She told us we were in it too. All of us, and we were watching. That sounds good, but what were we watching?

Get ready for the answer. With a huge smile on her face she said: "Y'all were watching and I saved the day"! Aw, how sweet.

We laughed and told her that was most assuredly a great dream, although I have a few doubts concerning the part where she saved the day. Grin.

I can tell you what she did do though; she made our day!


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