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Friday, May 29, 2015

The Joke

Date of occurrence:
July 21, 2014.

The boys are playing together when suddenly Kc vanishes. His brother Leo is so engaged in his play, he doesn't notice his sibling's disappearance until a couple of minutes later.

He steps into the office with the question: "Where is Kc"?
Opa, who is always in for a joke, replies: "He broke his leg and we had to shoot him".
Leo makes a funny face and returns to what he was doing.

Kc had asked if he could play on my computer, but since I was busy, I told him he had to wait a few minutes till I was done. I finished what I had to do and said; "Okay Kc, you can play now". There was no reply from the little guy. We sure got one from Leo, who said: "But....., you shooted him"!

We busted out laughing. Leo hops down from his chair and vacates the premises.

We have no clue where he is off to, but within a few seconds he is back with a very important message.

He sticks his head in the door and says: "Kc's dead body is in the bathroom".

Yup, Opa is not the only one who can play a joke on someone!


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