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Monday, June 1, 2015

The Camp Out

Date of occurrence:
July 26, 2014.

Our youngest daughter and aunt A. had taken up the idea to go camping with the kids. The plan is to go today, stay the night, and come back tomorrow. We were invited as well, but I already know the heat won't let me sleep a wink and would probably make both of us miserable.

We decide to join them for a visit as soon as they would get there and help set up camp and/or divert the young ones. We arrive around 5 pm and the tent is already up. Aunt A. is hanging her hammock and our youngest daughter is gathering up firewood.

The boys and I intend to help her, but Kc says I need to lead the way. He is scared of running into a snake. Leo on the other hand is darting all over the place. He stays close to me though, because he is afraid of getting lost, so it all works out well.

The children are highly excited and after a while looking for firewood, I take them out of their mom's hair. We are going on a treasure hunt. We find all kinds of stuff; half of a chess set, a fishing lure, an earring, a glow-in-the-dark star, a spoon, and some other things people had left behind or lost.

By the time we are through, the fire is going and supper is about to be made. S'mores are on the menu.

Before we leave, Opa tells the kids to be on the look out and listen carefully for the ghost that roams the woods at night.

Seeing those little red and sweaty faces, we wonder how they will make it through the night, or if they even will!


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